Send a high-five to women who save lives!

August 19th is World Humanitarian Day and this year we are honouring female aid workers. When disasters strike, aid workers are on the front lines working tirelessly to provide relief and comfort to children and families in crisis. They do not stop, even in the face of violent threats to their own safety.

On World Humanitarian Day, show them that you care. Your high five will let humanitarian aid workers know that they have the support of compassionate Canadians who stand with them in the protection of children who need us every single day.

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Thank you!

Your high five will be delivered directly to our humanitarian aid workers on the ground in places like Syria, Yemen and Somalia. By standing with us, you are joining our community of Canadians who are committed to protecting children in the most dangerous places on earth. Next, ask your friends and family to join you and send their own high five by clicking on one of the share buttons below.