2022 Year In Review

2022 IN REVIEW: Together We’re Making a Difference

Ten-month-old Guled became malnourished after his family was badly affected by the drought that has been ravaging Somalia.

His mother Aasha brought Guled to a Save the Children maternal health clinic, where he started treatment right away. Aasha was relieved when her baby recovered rapidly and began smiling again, thanks to your support.

February saw the war in Ukraine escalate dramatically, forcing families like Samad’s to leave everything behind and cross into neighbouring countries to find safety. Save the Children had been working in Ukraine since 2014, which meant we could quickly mobilize to provide food, essential items, and safe spaces for children to rest and play, in Ukraine and across Europe. Samad was able to continue safely on his journey with his family.

Three-year-old Michelle and her older brother Ebubeuwkmu are very close, so when Michelle fell ill with pneumonia her brother was worried. Sadly, this is a familiar story, because pneumonia kills more than 800,000 young children every year. Thanks to your support, Michelle was treated at a hospital in Nigeria equipped with essential oxygen supplies provided by Save the Children, and is now back running and playing with her big brother.

In 2021, 10-year-old Ahmed was badly injured when shelling destroyed his home in Gaza. The family had to move into temporary accommodation. With your help, Save the Children was able to provide them with cash for essential items and supplies to help with Ahmed’s long recovery.

Ahmed is now able to be more independent and one day wants to be a surgeon like the people who helped save his life.

Sarah, 11, had to escape the flooding that destroyed her home in Malawi by seeking refuge in a tree. After her terrifying experience, she was struggling to come to terms with losing her home and being displaced. Your support meant Save the Children could provide Sarah with psychosocial support and she is now back at school and doing the things she loves, like picking her favourite flowers.

Laila, 12, lives in a displacement camp in Afghanistan. Thanks to your support, Laila attends a Save the Children child-friendly space where she learns and plays alongside other girls. At the centre, Laila especially loves to sing with her friends.

Tomais, 9, and his brother Edizon, 7, love to help their mother on their farm in Guatemala. With your help, Save the Children supports the boys’ mother, Rebeca, to help her farm thrive – in turn she supplies the local schools with fresh and healthy food. This means Tomais and Edizon have access to good nutrition at home and at school.

Daria, 12, came to Poland after fleeing the war in Ukraine, but was missing her friends. To help her get settled, Daria enrolled in a summer camp organized by Save the Children, with your support. Daria loved the activities at the camp and made friends, which left her feeling more confident about starting the new school year.

After an unprecedented monsoon season, deadly floods tore through Pakistan and left hundreds of thousands of people without shelter. Thanks to your support, Save the Children was able to deliver emergency supplies, including tents and food, to help families like Raamdin’s.

Iman, 10, loves to tend to her garden outside the tent where she lives in a Syrian displacement camp. While she works on growing her vegetables, Save the Children is keeping her family supplied with food, water, and essential supplies, thanks to your help.

Millions of children are already facing the devastating effects of the climate emergency, but it doesn’t have to be this way. As part of Save the Children’s Generation Hope Campaign, thousands of children have been mobilizing, taking action and making their voices heard on an issue that will directly affect their future. It’s time for us to follow their lead and listen!

2022 has been a devastating year for children globally, but with your help, Save the Children is working to build a better future for children across the world. Thank you!