Remembering John Hillman

Being a child rights champion with Save the Children means having a dedicated spirit and tenacious drive to advocate for the well-being and safety of children everywhere. This is exactly what the late John Hillman embodied. John, a centenarian and WWII Veteran, walked his age in laps around his retirement home to raise money for children living in crisis. The Save the Children family has lost a valuable member, but through celebration and honouring of his life, John’s legacy will live on forever. 

His inspiration 

John was inspired by Sir Thomas Moore, another British centenarian, and WWII Veteran, who raised £39 million for charity by walking laps in his garden. John knew he could do the same and in 2020, for his 101st birthday, he decided to walk 101 laps around his residence, Oak Bay in Victoria B.C., with the goal of raising $101,000.  

John knew too well what violence and war could do to a child, having experienced war himself at the age of only 17. After thinking long and hard, John decided Save the Children was the best fit for his fundraising, because we support youth living in the most dangerous places, and facing the toughest challenges, especially during that year’s COVID-19 pandemic. That first year, John surpassed his of $101,000 goal and raised more than $169,000, and a lot of awareness along the way.  

The tradition continued 

With his determined spirit and heart of gold, John kept up his annual tradition. He walked each spring after turning 102, 103, and 104, increasing his amount of laps and also his fundraising goal to match his age. John walked every year, unbothered by pouring rain or sweltering heat. He remained eager and excited to complete is walk, always counting his blessings for another year. In 2021 he said, “At 102 years of age, I am glad to say I am still around, fit and enthusiastic. I’m looking forward to my 102 trips around the Carlton House residence courtyard!” 

Sadly, in 2021, John lost his wife, but this did not stop him from maintaining his promise to fundraise for Save the Children. He always remained diligent and committed to his goal, and ultimately to children.  

John gained a lot of support and attention during his walks, joined by local politicians, schoolchildren, and other community members. In 2023, during his final walk, Save the Children President and CEO Danny Glenwright joined John and after the walk, they sat down for a chat. “I always left inspired by his kind soul and compassion,” said Danny. 

His inspiring story gained media attention, in both the local and national news. His efforts even made it back to his home country, England, and he received a warm letter of admiration from Buckingham Palace on behalf of the King.  

In 2024 following  his 105th birthday, John decided he would not do his annual walk, but kept his fundraising page open to support children. 

Within the span of four years, John raised more than $460,000 for children living in crisis.

His legacy lives on 

On July 8, 2024, John peacefully passed away at 105 years old. His lasting wish was to ensure his fundraising  page remained open, so supporters could continue to donate to children living in crisis around the world.   

“John leaves behind a world better for having him in it, having brought together the community around him in the spirit of protecting children. He continues to serve as an inspiration to others, having proven that making a difference is not limited by age,” says Jacqueline Prewett, Digital Marketing Mananger for Carlton House. 

John Hillman proves that one person, can make a difference.  “John Hillman’s passion and resilience were unparalleled,” said Danny Glenwright. “He demonstrated a boundless spirit and compassion for others and embodied the very essence of our organization’s values.” The Save the Children family extend condolences to John’s loved ones and remain forever grateful for his remarkable contributions. 

In honoring John’s memory, we invite you to continue John’s legacy by supporting his fundraising page or even taking inspiration from John, and starting your own fundraiser.

Thank you, John, for your unwavering dedication and compassion. You will be remembered and cherished as a true champion for child rights, .