“After fleeing the war in Sudan myself, I can relate to children who have faced the same ordeal.”
Stephen Kang, a Save the Children facilitator for children at a transit centre in Renk, South Sudan, recounts his personal experience fleeing the war in Sudan:
“We set out on April 24. All I had with me was my backpack with a few clothes. There was no room to take anything else. You had to pay more for suitcases. About 17 of us were packed into that car – inside, on the roof, we were everywhere.“
READ MOREYes, I want to help children in crisis
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New Stories From Children
Solomia* and her parents lived in Kherson. At the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, their city became beyond the government’s control.
Weam*, 8, his brother and his parents were forced to flee their home in the countryside in the south of Idlib Governorate in 2018 in order to survive after the war that put their lives in danger.
Omar* is a 7-year-old boy who lives with his mother as well as his three siblings in a displacement camp in Puntland, Somalia.
On the 6th February 2023, the world that 9-year-old Asli* knew ended. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake destroyed her home, took the lives of her grandparents, and took away her routine and her security,
Entha*, 10, lives with her two brothers and her mother Edlène in the mountains of south west Haiti. During a major earthquake in August 2021, the village where she lives was completely destroyed.
Stop the War on Children, whatever it takes
Stop the War on Children, whatever it takes
When conflicts and wars erupt, the result is always the same – a war on children. It doesn’t matter where or why, children always pay the heaviest price. Children are terrified, their sense of safety shattered. Many are forced from their homes. They struggle without basic food, water, and shelter. Their education is disrupted and their futures are put on hold.
Whatever the reason, wherever in the world, violence and trauma turns children’s lives upside down.